Proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth
Statement Of Faith
We believe in the Holy Bible (comprising the Old and New Testaments) in its original writing as fully inspired by God and accept it as the highest and conclusive authority for faith and life.
We believe in the One and Only God, Everlasting and Triune, eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - Creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as God revealed in a human body. We believe in His absolute deity and full humanity. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, the authenticity of His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death for the sin of the world, His bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven, His present mediatorial work in heaven, and His personal return to earth when He will be united with His Body, the Church universal, and His Bride.
We believe in the personality, deity, and ministry of the Holy Spirit, and that He is none less than God Himself. We believe that He indwells and desires to be in control of every believer. We believe that His work is to give spiritual life, to regenerate, restore, sanctify, empower, lead, comfort, heal, and equip all believers to live and walk in the purpose of God.
We believe that God created the earth and universe through the word of His mouth and that He created man as a superior being, in His image, as His representative here on earth, destined to co-rule creation in eternity as part of the family of God and the Son's Bride.
We believe that Adam and Eve fell into sin, subjecting entire humanity to the reign of Satan, sin and death, deprived of God's glorious purpose, alienated from His presence, and subject to His condemnation. We believe that all people are born in sin and inherits Adam's sinful nature by birth.
We believe that Jesus Christ is God's perfect and only provision for the restoration of the fall, and man's perfect and only solution for the problem of sin and the sinful nature.
We believe that all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, are saved unto eternal life, can be sure of their salvation, are heirs of God and heirs with Christ, and are being prepared for eternity here on earth. Those who have not received Him are destined for eternal damnation and hell.
We believe that the believer is destined to be a conqueror, and that a life of victory over sin, Satan, the world, circumstances and life, is the normal Christian life.
We believe that life on earth is God's training school for eternity. Although perfection is our aim, it is not our claim. Trials, affliction, temptation and suffering are vital elements in God's overcoming curriculum for the believer. Let the believer not waste his sorrrows!
We believe that the Body of Jesus Christ consists of all who have accepted Him as their personal Redeemer by faith, are born again by the Holy Spirit, and have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, irrespective of their denominational relationship.
We believe that the Bride of Christ will be represented by every nation, tribe and tongue and the main task of the Church of Jesus Christ is to fulfill the Great Commission, to reach the world with the Gospel and to make disciples of all nations.